“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”  

Ephesians 3:21

Tapestry for Women strives to accomplish our Vision and Mission by providing, either directly, or through community partnerships, the following services and opportunities:

  • Safe transitional housing

  • Basic Physical Necessities

  • Biblical Discipleship

  • Mentors

  • Financial Counseling

  • Life Skills Classes

  • Emotional Counseling

  • Medical/dental counseling and care

  • Conflict resolution classes

  • Parenting classes

  • Anger Management Counseling

  • Celebrate Recovery

  • GED Classes


We appreciate your interest in Tapestry for Women. If you have questions about how you can volunteer, give, or pray, please use the “contact us” button to email us directly or fill out the form below. We look forward to partnering with you!


What People Are Saying


"It is rewarding to serve in this amazing ministry to incarcerated women, and women in recovery. It is a blessing to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those whose lives have been so adversely affected by addiction. Making visits to the jail, providing clothing, preparing meals, participating in Bible studies, and just being a shoulder to cry on, or a listening ear, are a few of the many opportunities for ministry with Tapestry for Women."

— Connie O’Neal, Volunteer

“In a period of brokenness in my life, God rescued me through the Jail Ministry. I had literally just gotten off the floor, praying in brokenness, asking the Lord to use my story with women who were hurting, only to greet a visitor who immediately began talking to me about her involvement in Jail Ministry, and how desperately they needed more women to join the work. I've never looked back! I knew in that moment God had spoken, and that was His purpose for me, and that He would heal me through sharing His love with other broken women! We serve an amazing God who truly brings beauty from ashes!!”

— Sue Beswick, Volunteer

"The ministry of Tapestry for Women has allowed me the opportunity to encourage other women, much the same way dear friends did years ago, when I had lost my way, and Jesus Christ changed my life.

One day I will see the big picture, but for today, I can add the color of my redeemed thread into the fabric of another life through Tapestry for Women.”

— Lucinda Long, Volunteer